Got her sister back.

Andrea has two siblings, an older brother and a younger half sister. They grew up under one roof in a loving household kept together by their mother. Andrea and her brother’s father divorced their mother when they were young, but continued a relationship with the two of them. But Andrea’s sister, Sarah wasn’t as fortunate. When she was 12, her father left one day without a word, creating emotional issues for Sarah that the rest of the family would have to resolve. For years, Sarah was angry at the world, starting fights with family members and ruining get-togethers. Until recently. We pick up the story from Andrea’s birthday celebration.
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Her sister was finally happy again and her happiness was infectious. It made everyone around her happy too.


Despite knowing in her heart that one day her sister, Sarah would get out of her dark place, it was never a sure thing.


It was her birthday celebration with her family and everyone was in high spirits, even her sister Sarah. It was typical at these type of gatherings for her sister to lash out and ruin the day. But not today. Today, Andrea sat next to her sister and for the first time in a long time they were talking and giggling like they were little girls again. Her confident, charasmatic little sister was back. 
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